It has always seemed silly to join a gym to me. There is no reason why you need to go some place to work out, after all. You can jog around the neighborhood, you can go swim in a lake if you live somewhere temperate, or you can bike ride. I have always been on a tight budget, so I’ve never wanted to spend the money to join a gym anyway. The problem is, unless you have a big block of free time, it is hard to exercise on your own. Going to the gym makes you work out, because it gives you certain set tasks that you can use to strengthen your body. I realized that I needed a gym, but I did not want to join one. Instead, I made a home gym by buying some discount exercise equipment.
Discount fitness equipment is a great idea. You need a little space, but almost everyone has some corner they are not using. I have a lifecycle exercise bike, a used bow flex machine for building the muscles, and an old rowing machine that I inherited from my dad. I put them in a corner of the basement, and they are always out of the way unless I need to use them. When I need them they are there, but the rest of the time, my discount exercise equipment is no hassle at all. Unless you live in a one-room apartment, you probably have a corner you can use for discount fitness equipment!
Although the discount exercise equipment was a pretty healthy investment for me, I figure it will pay off in the long run. I got all of it for under 300 dollars. When you think of all the money spent going to the gym, however, this is nothing. One year at the gym probably costs somewhere in the neighborhood of 600 dollars, if not more.
Best of all, I don’t have to go anywhere to use my discount exercise equipment. It is always at home when I need it. Sometimes, I will even use it when I watch TV. I will do a few reps during the commercials, and then sit back and relax. It really is almost a luxury! Having discount exercise equipment means that I can stay fit without scheduling lengthy outings. Before, I would have to make myself go to a jogging trail to really get myself to exercise. Nowadays, I exercise much more often.